Fastmag doubles marketing lead attribution with Dexem Call Tracking.

Cas client Fastmag

Resources Customer Stories Fastmag Fastmag doubles marketing lead attribution with Dexem Call Tracking. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Software edition Website : Fastmag is a software publisher for retailers. Their solutions deal with physical or online shop management, payment, B2B trading, product conception and business intelligence. With more than 5 000 […]

How Genesys optimizes marketing budgets by using valuable call data from Dexem Call Tracking.

Cas client Genesys

Resources Customer Stories Genesys How Genesys optimizes marketing budgets by using valuable call data from Dexem Call Tracking. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Software edition Website : Genesys is the world’s leading provider in customer-centric solutions. From call center software to bots and service automation, they work with key industries in […]

How Abilways optimizes marketing ROI with call data provided by Dexem Call Tracking.

Cas client Abilways

Resources Customer Stories Abilways How Abilways optimizes marketing ROI with call data provided by Dexem Call Tracking. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Professional training Website : Abilways is an expert of professional and continuous training, with 300 active collaborators in France and other countries. Each of their divisions is specialized in […]

Paritel makes a 20% decrease of Google Ads acquisition costs with Dexem Call Tracking.

Cas client Paritel

Resources Customer Stories Paritel Paritel makes a 20% decrease of Google Ads acquisition costs with Dexem Call Tracking. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Telecom Website : Since 1991, Paritel has been working with small and medium businesses in France, to offer them efficient telecom solutions. More than 25 years later, Paritel […]

Cojecom agency raises clients’ ROI by spotlighting inbound call data with Call Tracking.

Cas client Cojecom

Resources Customer Stories Cojecom agency Cojecom agency raises clients’ ROI by spotlighting inbound call data with Call Tracking. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Digital Agency Website : Cojecom is a communication agency founded in 2003, with a digital expertise since 2010. To intensify development in this new sphere, Cojecom has created its […]

How Dexem Call Tracking helps BYmyCAR to strongly increase marketing ROI.

Cas client BYmyCAR

Resources Customer stories BYmyCAR How Dexem Call Tracking helps BYmyCAR to strongly increase marketing ROI. PDF Version Product : Dexem Call Tracking Industry : Automobile Distribution Website : BYmyCAR group is a car dealer, with about a hundred dealerships in France. They are experts in distribution of new or used vehicles of 18 brands. […]

10 choses à savoir sur le Call Tracking

10 choses à savoir sur le Call Tracking

Ressources Livres Blancs 10 choses à savoir sur le Call Tracking Découvrez les réponses à vos questions sur le Call Tracking, résumées en 10 points essentiels. En quoi consiste cet outil ? Quelles sont les données qu’il peut vous apporter sur vos appels ? Comment le mettre en place ? Téléchargez votre livre blanc Ce […]

5 avantages du Call Tracking

5 avantages du Call Tracking

Ressources Livres Blancs 5 avantages du Call Tracking Découvrez d’où proviennent vos appels téléphoniques, comment générer encore plus de leads par téléphone et comment améliorer le ROI de vos campagnes publicitaires rapidement. Téléchargez votre livre blanc Ce que vous allez apprendre Ce livre blanc vous explique tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour améliorer l’efficacité de […]

5 bonnes astuces pour le Call Tracking

5 bonnes astuces pour le Call Tracking

Ressources Livres Blancs 5 bonnes astuces pour le Call Tracking Mesurez le ROI des supports de vos campagnes publicitaires avec précision, optimisez vos investissements marketing et générez encore plus de leads qualifiés par téléphone. Téléchargez votre livre blanc Ce que vous allez apprendre Ce livre blanc vous explique tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour tirer […]
